Tuesday, June 30, 2009

38 week appointment - Stubborn Cervix

I had yet another Tuesday appointment today. I was really hoping I had made at least some progress, but no go! Not a centimeter, not a fingertip, not a fingernail. She said my cervix wasn't even soft yet. She said based on that she does not think I will be going earlier than my due date. We talked about induction and said she would like to schedule about 1 week past my due date. She said she really does not want to induce unless I am 2 or 3 cm, otherwise you have a higher risk of getting a C-Section in the end. So she suggested around the 21st or 22nd. I had to sign some induction paperwork and they will be calling me with the exact day and time.

I am very disappointed, not because I want Olivia to come before she is ready, but because of work. The longer it takes, the shorter amount of time I have with her at home. I know I am going to be a wreck when I go back as it is. I go back to work August 17 and I have a 3 day training I have to go to the last week in July. AHH! At least I know she will be home with Grandma, but still it is not going to be easy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ultrasound Update

This morning I had my ultrasound to check out Olivia's weight and position. First they told me that she was head down, which is great. The took some measurements and estimated that she weighs 7lbs 8oz and will probably be around 8 lbs when she is born. She was in the 85th percentile for 38 weeks. Her head measured 39 weeks, so i think she is going to have quite the noggin! :) The sono tech also told me that she has hair and pointed out some little spikeys on the screen. I wonder if the hair is dark or light? Hmmm... Then I was so excited because she gave me a 3D sneak peek and I saw her little chubby face - so cute! That is all for now. Will update next tuesday!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

37 Wk 5 Day Doctor Appointment

This morning I had my weekly Dr's appointment. First I talked with the nurse and she told me that my blood work came back from last week and that my iron was low. She told me I had to get an iron supplement and take it 2 times per day. I think I would rather just eat more Filet Mignon! :)

Then Dr. Zweibach came in and did my exam. He said that I was not dialated yet and that the heartbeat sounded good. He scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow to check on Olivia's position and weight. He said he would guess 7lbs 7oz but he wants to check and make sure she is not 9 or 10 lbs! Um yeah, I would like to make sure of that too. I talked to him about the birth and he knows I don't want to be induced and that I am going natural! He seemed supportive and said that they will only induce if I am a week late or if the ultrasound shows that she is very big.

So my ultrasound is tomorrow morning and then my next exam is next Tuesday, 6/30. I will update tomorrow after ultrasound.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting Down to the Wire!!

It has been a while since I updated everyone. I wish I had some more pictures to post, but I still need to get a camera of my own before Olivia gets here! ARGHH!! Next time Christina comes over I am going to get her to take some more pics of Olivia's nursery so that I can show how that is coming along.

Well yesterday was 37 weeks for me. I can't believe we are more than half way through June. This week I started my weekly "checks" to see if I am dialated at all. So far, nothing. That is good because I need one more week in my new classroom!

Oh yeah! Did I tell everyone I OFFICIALLY got a job? Yup, I am very grateful for that. I will be teaching 2nd grade at a small school in Plant City, Florida. My new principal is being really great and flexible with my situation. I was able to get into my new room last week. Christina and Tom helped me get all of my things (I have a lot of teacher stuff :) into my new room. I spent a few days organizing and getting things in the back cabinets. Now I am at a standstill until early next week when they clean our classrooms. It will be nice to go in after that and set up everything how I want and do my bulletin boards and stuff. If I could get my room mostly set up by then end of next week I would be thrilled. That way I would be able to all of my planning and other paperwork at home after Olivia is here.

So back to the pregnancy. I am getting bigger and bigger and more and more uncomfortable. It is SOOOOO hot. I usually love the heat, but being pregnant makes it a little (a lot!) uncomfortable. I have taken advantage of the pool in my apartment complex a couple of times. It is refreshing, but even the water is getting a little warm. I am going to go tomorrow for a bit. Olivia still seems to be moving quite a bit, but it must be getting tighter in there because her movements are more pronounced and I can see her poking out of my belly! At my last appointment they said she was just under 6 lbs. and she was head down, so that is great! Well that is all for now. I will update on Tuesday at my next Dr. appointment! Miss you all!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Olivia's Nursery

Thanks for helping put the furniture together Tom!

Chip helped me get Olivia's closet organized!

Lookin' Good so far!

My favorite part of the nursery! love it!

The nursery is almost finished. I still need to get a small nightstand and another lamp. I would also like to get a glider/rocker before Olivia gets here.

Tampa Shower - April

Our Group at The Pottery Place

Careful with that ladybug Chip!

Stacy got me a onesie that fits me perfectly! I hope Olivia is in Marching Band!!

Mom got Olivia this adorable dress from The Green Boutique here in Tampa. I love it!

This is the Piggy Bank I made Olivia. It looked even cuter after I picked it up!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally an Update!! 28 Weeks

Wow! I haven't posted since December? Yikes!! Well a lot has happened since then. I moved back near Tampa, a town called Brandon. I have an apartment and am starting to finally get settled. I just got internet today!! Yeah!! Let's see...where should I start? When I first got down here I stayed at Tom and Christina's house for a couple months so that I could save up for an apartment. I moved into my apartment on March 11th. In February I started a temporary 1st grade teaching position that lasted through April 4th. Since then I have been "stalking" principals about positions for the spring and for next fall. I have spoken to a couple who seem interested in hiring me for fall, but right now that is a waiting game. As for spring, there is only about 6 weeks left of school, so I am going to try to sub and volunteer at the schools I am interested in.

On March 7th, Tania, Tricia, Dana, and Keri gave me a beautiful baby shower in Crestview. The food was yummy, the games were fun, and the gifts were generous. I received many neccesities that Olivia and I will be using shortly. I had a ton of fun!! I would post a picture.......but someone accidently deleted them....ha ha....I won't tell!!

On April 11th I had a small shower here, given by my mom, Chip, and Christina. It was a long distance shower, so many of my family sent gifts that I opened. My friends Stacy and Shannon were at the shower also. The first thing we did was go to a Pottery store and everyone picked out something to make for Olivia. I make her a piggy bank!! Then we had lunch together and went back to Christina's house for games, cupcakes, and gifts. I had a wonderful time.

Today I am 28 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good. I am starting to feel uncomfortable at night and my feet and legs are starting to swell. Olivia is moving around a lot! Last Saturday I had a 4D ultrasound. My mom, Chip, and Christina came with me. It was great seeing her and getting a sneak peak at what she will look like. This weekend I am going to put together Olivia's Crib and Changing Table (with help of course)!! I will post pictures as her nursery gets put together.